Breaking a Lease Out of building Code

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New Member
I moved into an apartment one month ago.
It was newly renovated but the gas company discovered it is out of building code and currently unlivable.
My landlord is refusing to have it inspected and said it costs too much and isn't due for an inspection till 2015.
There have been other significant electrical issues. She "can't get ahold of a contractor" to fix them and instead uses her handyman.
My roommates want to stay so I said I am leaving.
I have provided them with three roommate options and they turned down each.
I cannot sign a lease with my name still on this lease.
My lease is invalid because it is out of building code and they are past the 2 week grace period.
We are not paying for October but I moved out in September and my roommates won't let someone else move in so I am losing the money I would be getting back for September.
I want my name taken off of the lease and my security deposit and rent back because it is illegal for us to be living there and they aren't smart enough to leave.

How do I go about talking to my landlord and having my name removed and theirs still remaining? The lease is currently invalid. My roommates have left me no other option.
There is no reason other than financial ability that you can't sign a new lease. You can move whenever you want.
If the landlord can't provide basic services to the residence then the landlord is breaching the contract. If the landlord won't release you and pay up then take your argument to small claims.
Also consider calling your city/county building inspector yourself and see if they will shut the building down. That will get everyone out.
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