Out of state visitation - biological mother with history of not returning child.

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My husband has full custody of his daughter. We live in Texas and the mother lives in Oklahoma. The decree states she is only to visit the daughter in our county, but in order to offer the opportunity for our daughter to get to know her mother, we arranged for her to visit OK for 7 weeks this summer after we received reciept of a plane ticket to send her back on a specified date. Daughter's mother has not seen daughter for over 3 years, the child is now 7. She makes no attempts to contact her daughter by phone. What are the father's rights if his ex keeps our daughter past the agreed upon date? Is there a way to assure our daughter comes back home without going to court?

We are just preparing. Ex wife has kept my husband's daughter over promised time in the past, prior to the custody agreement, leading to great expense to retrieve her.
Why would your husband send his daughter to be with a parent who she hasn't seen for 3 years, for 7 weeks?

Invite Mom to visit in Dad's community. The child needs a period of reintroduction - doing what your husband is thinking could be incredibly traumatizing for his daughter.
My husband has full custody of his daughter. We live in Texas and the mother lives in Oklahoma. The decree states she is only to visit the daughter in our county, but in order to offer the opportunity for our daughter to get to know her mother, we arranged for her to visit OK for 7 weeks this summer after we received reciept of a plane ticket to send her back on a specified date. Daughter's mother has not seen daughter for over 3 years, the child is now 7. She makes no attempts to contact her daughter by phone. What are the father's rights if his ex keeps our daughter past the agreed upon date? Is there a way to assure our daughter comes back home without going to court?

We are just preparing. Ex wife has kept my husband's daughter over promised time in the past, prior to the custody agreement, leading to great expense to retrieve her.

I am confused. Your thread title stated this is the "biological mother" and you refer to the child as "ours". Why are you and Dad sending the child to a legal stranger as your wording is clear that you adopted said child? Could you please clarify the situation??
We have been having them Skype regularly to reintroduce. Our daughter is excited about visiting her mother and family. The mother is insistent on the length of time due to the fact she has not seen her for so long. My husband and I will be talking with and Skyping our daughter regularly if not daily to reassure her we are available and waiting for her to come home.
I am confused. Your thread title stated this is the "biological mother" and you refer to the child as "ours". Why are you and Dad sending the child to a legal stranger as your wording is clear that you adopted said child? Could you please clarify the situation??

I have not adopted her, but I have no biological children and treat her and love her as my own. She calls me 'mom.'
Why would your husband send his daughter to be with a parent who she hasn't seen for 3 years, for 7 weeks?

Invite Mom to visit in Dad's community. The child needs a period of reintroduction - doing what your husband is thinking could be incredibly traumatizing for his daughter.

We invite mother, but she does not have the means (or refuses) to visit us. We want her to experience a relationship with her mother, so we made a concession this summer. If things begin to go poorly, we do not plan on allowing this again. The mother will be required to make efforts to come to Texas to visit.
This is not your daughter, and she probably shouldn't be calling you Mom, and in all honesty this can hurt your husband.

I STILL strongly advise against sending her for 7 full weeks - but your husband is going to do what he's going to do, I suppose.

If Mom decides to keep her against Dad's wishes then Dad will have to take the appropriate action and file to have the child returned.
you got your answer. you have no dog in this fight. you are a legal stranger to this child, and have no rights say or standing to do anything. and allowing her to call you mom when you are not could end up costing your hubby custody. judges do not like it when parents engage in parental alienation, and allow their children to call their spouse mom or dad. your hubbys ex is not the biological mother, she is just plain mom. the only mom this child has. you need to let your hubby deal with issues concerning his( not your) child, because legally this child is none of your business
You are raising the child so yes YOU are the mother. That relationship is about you and your daughter so don't worry about what other say. I do think, however, that 7 weeks is way too long for her to spend with someone who hasn't seen her in years. If the biological mother does not return her then take legal action and make it so she only gets supervised visitation.
You are raising the child so yes YOU are the mother. That relationship is about you and your daughter so don't worry about what other say. I do think, however, that 7 weeks is way too long for her to spend with someone who hasn't seen her in years. If the biological mother does not return her then take legal action and make it so she only gets supervised visitation.


This is NOT the child's mother.


Even IF.

Do you realize that this OP has no standing to do ANYTHING at all, legally?
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