Permanent Residency out-of-status green card need to return to the us

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Hi there --
I moved to the US in 1992, first as a student and in 1993, i got married and got my temporary green card. In 1995, i received my permanent one, it will expire in nov. 2005.
after the tragedy of september 11, my life took a downward turn. i was living in new york at the time and suffered like everybody who lived there.... but somehow, for me, the tragedy had deeper consequences...
i lost my job, became really depressed and developed a serious and destructive drug addiction....
making a long and sad story short, it got to the point that i was suicidal and as a last resort, i decided to leave, go to brazil, where i come from and where all my family lives and get help. i left the US on sept 28 2002 and have yet to return.
i was broke, alone and desperate then... i was in no shape to apply for a re-entry permit or the like - i was not aware i needed one and was not sure how long i would be gone...only since i have been here, i have found out about what i needed to have done before leaving the us...
now, i know that my green card is out-of-status, but i would like to know if there is anything i can do to return to the us.
i still have a home there (a friend has moved into my apt, but the lease is till in my name), and friends, a whole life there.
in brazil, i got treatment, in and out-patient treatment for this whole time i have been here, and feel strong and confident enough to go back.
i owe my student loans, and i feel terrible that since i have been in brazil i have not been able to make any payments.
my university of texas degree is not valid here, so i can not find a good job. and the currency here is too weak for me to hope to be able to make a living and be able to pay my student loans.
is there anything i can do to be allowed back in this great country that i love so much???
i cant imagine not being able to resume my life there - that is, before the 9/11 tragedy.... i feel that in a way i am a casualty of war, but have, thank god, over come and am ready to give my best to this country that made me who i am... after all, i grew up in the us, i feel like i am more american than brazilian at this point....
i even am considering trying to cross the mexican or canadian border and lie when they ask me how long i stayed gone... but i am afraid i may end up getting arrested and not let back in...
please, send your response as soon as possible.
i thank you for yor time and hope you do have good news for me.
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