Outrageous landlord!

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New Member
Ok so I have a few concerns regarding my landlord. This whole problem started about two weeks ago when I was watching my landlords son before I took him to school, this was an agreement for her to work with us on rent, this particular morning the child decides to draw in permanent marker on my couch and tv while I was in the other room getting ready for work. All I requested from my landlord was an apology and she then starts to get defensive as if i were insulting her child. She told me if I really wanted to make a big deal about it then she will just make it a strictly business relationship and draw up a new lease requesting asking 1500 dollars to stay. We decided to leave the situation alone in fear that she would do that. About a week ago she texts me and says that she wants me to get a money order and sign it so she can write it out to her mortgage company. I refused to do so because it leaves lack of a paper trail from me to her for the rent. I did purchase the money order but put her name on it and made the necessary copies. I then went over to her house to give it to her and she will not take it. She wanted me to take the money order back and give her a blank one. I declined and she started to threaten that she will have her very large brother kick us out by the end of the month. I then left the property to avoid confrontation and went to work. Minding my business now for over a week, I hear that there are some very demeaning rumors being started from her mouth about me. I called her to ask if these were true and she started yelling at me. So I then asked if she wanted to get rude I would terminate the phone call and deal with it another legal way. She told me that she was through speaking to me, that if I wanted to talk about the situation I would have to speak to her father.The problem is with that, SHE is my landlord legally NOT her father so I have to speak to her. I then tried to say that she was my landlord and I needed to speak with her about the problem and she started screaming at me, I asked her to keep the conversation professional and she continued screaming, all I said to her after that was "You are threatening my place to live even after I have given you this months rent!" She then lied and said "i dont know where you put the money order as far as i'm concerned so you have no home after this month!" She then hung up on me. My question is what can I do legally that will end in the least painful way for everyone or am I basically S.O.L and need to move right away? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!! I did give her the money order with her name on it and as far as I know it has not been cashed but she may be doing that to back up her twisted story that she never got it. This is such a sickening mess!
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Ok so I have a few concerns regarding my landlord. This whole problem started about two weeks ago when I was watching my landlords son before I took him to school, this was an agreement for her to work with us on rent, this particular morning the child decides to draw in permanent marker on my couch and tv while I was in the other room getting ready for work. All I requested from my landlord was an apology and she then starts to get defensive as if i were insulting her child. She told me if I really wanted to make a big deal about it then she will just make it a strictly business relationship and draw up a new lease requesting asking 1500 dollars to stay. We decided to leave the situation alone in fear that she would do that. About a week ago she texts me and says that she wants me to get a money order and sign it so she can write it out to her mortgage company. I refused to do so because it leaves lack of a paper trail from me to her for the rent. I did purchase the money order but put her name on it and made the necessary copies. I then went over to her house to give it to her and she will not take it. She wanted me to take the money order back and give her a blank one. I declined and she started to threaten that she will have her very large brother kick us out by the end of the month. I then left the property to avoid confrontation and went to work. Minding my business now for over a week, I hear that there are some very demeaning rumors being started from her mouth about me. I called her to ask if these were true and she started yelling at me. So I then asked if she wanted to get rude I would terminate the phone call and deal with it another legal way. She told me that she was through speaking to me, that if I wanted to talk about the situation I would have to speak to her father.The problem is with that, SHE is my landlord legally NOT her father so I have to speak to her. I then tried to say that she was my landlord and I needed to speak with her about the problem and she started screaming at me, I asked her to keep the conversation professional and she continued screaming, all I said to her after that was "You are threatening my place to live even after I have given you this months rent!" She then lied and said "i dont know where you put the money order as far as i'm concerned so you have no home after this month!" She then hung up on me. My question is what can I do legally that will end in the least painful way for everyone or am I basically S.O.L and need to move right away? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!! I did give her the money order with her name on it and as far as I know it has not been cashed but she may be doing that to back up her twisted story that she never got it. This is such a sickening mess!

As long as you have proof that you bought a money order, you're going to be okay!
Keep the proof of the money order's purchase.
You'll need that soon.

She can't kick you out.
If you have a written lease, read it.
Learn everything the lease says you can and can't do.
The lease protects you.
It will also teach her a lesson, a very painful lesson.

Only a judge can cause you to be evicted.
You can only be evicted after a hearing is held.
You'll get to present your case before that judge.
She will present her case.
The judge will decide.
Based upon what you've posted, she will lose.
You will win.

Okay, get ready for this.
She's being retaliatory.
That is prohibited.
She isn't your owner, or a king.
She is a landlord.
We have a constitution and laws to put bullies like her in check.

This is how it works in Florida.
Read this, learn all about it.
You're going to need it.
this is the rights you have as a month-to-month tenant, if you don't have a lease.
By the way, she can't arbitrarily raise your rent, either.

(You were smart to refuse to pay her mortgage.)
(You only have to pay her.)
(I'd keep using money orders, and make photocopies of it before you give it to her.)
(Make sure all communication with her is in writing. You can speak with her, but always present her with a letter, documenting your conversation.)

Eventually, you will want to move.

You should start seeking your next home, now.

You don't want to live under these kinds of conditions.



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