over due security deposit refund

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New Member
Lots of details, I'll try to make it as short as possible. Rented a house lived there 2 1/2 yrs., moved out, I've been out for 60 days and still haven't received my deposit back. First I've never received a copy of the lease, even after serveral requests, I beleave take my security was never put in landlords separate account for this house, I was never informed where that money was been held. I gave a written 30 days notice of intent to move, and intent of the condition the house was to be left in. (clean, and ready to be moved in) Which it was. At the end of my residency I meant with landlord, gave keys and did a walk through, He stated that the house looked good and that he would have me my deposit soon. I trusting him, as he was always very cool about past issues, I didn't get it in writing. That same day I also wrote him a letter requesting my deposit back, with all my new contact info.. 30 days go by, and after several attempts and 4 days later I get ahold of his wife, she said they had been very busy and didn't have time to go through and figure out what the charges would be if any, then said they had to replace all the carpet,(it was only 2 1/2 yrs. old and in good shape), that it wasn't rented out yet, and she would have it for me in a week. It sounds like excuses to me, she got laid off 2 months before this, I thing they spent the money and are trying to cover it up. So, 2 weeks later after not getting it yet or account of it, I write a 2nd letter requesting my security deposit, this time mailed it certified, telling them that they only had 30 days and that it was now over 45 days and if I didn't here from them in 10 days, I would have to take then to small claims, and sue for punitive damage as well. He called me 3 days later telling me a long list of excuses as to why he hasn't had time to take care of it, and that he had to go out of town for a while and would take care of it in a couple weeks(blowing me off again). Tomorrow will be 10 days from letter and he has not made any effort to handle this matter so I need to take him to court.

I am looking for state laws that pretain to my case and am have trouble finding some of then and the statue numbers for those law so I can present a go case in court. I hope you can help
This may provide you with the information you seek (highlight Michigan):


In your state, your landlord has 30 days to either return your security deposit or notify you of the status of it. Failure to do this negates their ability to keep any of this for damages. You can also sue for double the amount of the deposit.

You have nothing to lose by filing a lawsuit against them. It takes just a minute to write someone a check.

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