Over two years and still cannot run after being hit in a crosswalk

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My son was riding his skateboard in the crosswalk and was hit by a car who was also about to turn left in lane two of a three lane intersection at dusk.The driver of the car was in second turn lane going left passing an oversized van in the lane closest to the center island. At the time of the accident I spoke to the officer assigned to the case in the emergency room who believed nobody was really at fault and both parties used poor judgement. My son attempted to continue crossing from the center island in the last few seconds before crossing light turned red. The driver came up to the light as it changed to green without slowing down as the light changed..This all occurred because the driver in the oversized van mistakenly waved my son to continue fron the center island who also did not see the driver to his right. My son ended up in a 5 hour surgery to put a rod in his leg from knee to ankle from the high speed impact to his leg. To my suprise by the time the police report came out it was like nothing we had talked about in the emergancy room instead it stated the accident was deemed my son's fault by attempting to make an usafe crossing and made him out to sound like a liar. By the time the officer arrived all witnesses had moved on except the driver involved and an old woman who was behind the driver who's view was also blocked by the van and just saw him come out of no where before the crash..My son who was 17 at the time had never been in an accident seeing his leg bent forward at the mid calf area was hysterical yelling believing the car had run a red light by the speed it came at him while the van in the closest lane to the island was at a complete stop..After 2 years he still cannot run and has been told he may never run again like he used to..We have taken the case to 2 laywers who have declined and 1 said he knew in the police department who could investigate the accuracy of the report. Do you think it's worth pursuing a PI case after 2 year have passed?
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