Overnight guest refuses to leave months later

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New Member
I live in a San Francisco studio with a lease that prohibits other people from residing with me. I have a guest that has been staying with me for 7 months. He wore out his welcome long ago and now says he has tenant's rights because he has been in the residence for over 30 days. I don't want my landlord to find out I have been harboring a subtenant illegally or for him to cause a scene. How can I prompt his exit without drama and within the laws of the land? He has been living with me for free as he has not paid me any rent for the duration.
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Have you charged him rent?
Were you ever lovers?

If you haven't charged him rent, the police might assist you.
You could call them, and ask them to help put him out.

Your legal recourse is to evict him.
Eviction is a tedious and risky process.
He could fight the eviction, and things could get worse.

Your landlord could find out and then you're in jeopardy.

You could get evicted yourself.
He, would also be evicted in the process.

You could go to your landlord, spill the beans, and hope for the best.

You could give your landlord notice and move.
Don't tell the invader, and wait for him to get him to be surprised.

There is no easy way out of this mess.
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Rent paid or not, your only legal option is to evict him.
You could try your best to make life miserable for him so that he will leave on his own, but at this point any assistance from police is long lost. They won't boot him out without a judge's order.
If he was only an overnight guest then you needed to boot him out back then. After that you allowed him to stay and establish residency there. It does not matter that he is not on the lease... he remained there with you knowledge and permission.
Ask him to leave voluntarily.
If he doesn't evict him.
While you make your way through the eviction process do whatever you can to make living there inconvenient. You can't shut off the power r water, and you can't change the locks, but you can remove any other conveniences so that he will want to leave.
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