overseas renter

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New Member
We had rented a house in south america from the wrong people. The owners son in law is a lawyer and filed papers with the court, and without notifiying us, came with a bailiff from the court and emptied most of our posessions from the house to be sold. He claimed that we didnt pay the rent; he did this illegally. We presented the signed reciepts (signed by his mother in law, including her finger print) to the court and he told them that they were fake. We returned to the US in fear of what else he might try to do, as he kept threatening us to come into our next home and take everything there as well. Can he do something similiar here and follow us?

Unlike in the UK and South America, we dont have a law that allows someone to collect a "debt" by seizing your goods to be sold at auction? Because thats the "law" or "excuse" he used to do so.He entered the house through an open door, a cleaning lady was home when he came in with the bailiff.

I wasnt sure if that was allowed here in the states.

Even though we have proof that the debt doesnt exist, I'm not sure what type of strings he would try and pull to make it look like it does.
No, he won't follow you to the US to try that crap. We have due process. Only a court can seize your property pursuant to due process and in very limited circumstances. This is not one of them. This bully can't pull such hijinx in our courts.
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