Overstock scammer

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New Member
I won and paid for an item on Overstock auctions, the seller failed to respond and after two days I filed a claim with Paypal to recover my money, after two weeks I got back less than 20% of my money as that was all that Paypal could recover. I have repeatedly emailed the seller and on the advise of Paypal sent him an invoice for the outstanding amount, the seller continues to ignore my pleas for a refund and has given me two very lame excuses, firstly stating that it was Paypals fault and then he says that there was a death in his family! I refuse to believe that either of these are true, I called Paypal and they said that they would not hinder him from sending money that is owed to me. My next step would be to send him a legal letter threatening court action, am I right in my assumption? I have tried calling the phone number supplied to me by Overstock but it is disconnected, no surprise there. However, I do have a physical address. Please can someone advise me on what to do with this person?
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I had something similar happen to me a few years ago but with Ebay. Seller took money via PayPal but never sent the purchase. I tried contacting seller but first got an auto-reply that said she is out of town for a week. I emailed again after a week and got zero response, tried 3-4 more times and still haven't heard anything. I filed a claim with PayPal, who, after two weeks, said there is nothing they can do because seller took all money from her account so they cannot recover a dime. The seller had a comcast email account that she was using, so I emailed her back and said if she doesn't send the item or return the money, I will write to Comcast and tell them she is using their email account and Internet Service for fraudulent purposes. She overnighted me the money the next day. Good luck!
I had something similar happen to me a few years ago but with Ebay. Seller took money via PayPal but never sent the purchase. I tried contacting seller but first got an auto-reply that said she is out of town for a week. I emailed again after a week and got zero response, tried 3-4 more times and still haven't heard anything. I filed a claim with PayPal, who, after two weeks, said there is nothing they can do because seller took all money from her account so they cannot recover a dime. The seller had a comcast email account that she was using, so I emailed her back and said if she doesn't send the item or return the money, I will write to Comcast and tell them she is using their email account and Internet Service for fraudulent purposes. She overnighted me the money the next day. Good luck!

THIS is my favorite story of the month. Perhaps we should have a feature for this... I will consider it. :) Awesome... love it and thanks for sharing!!!!
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