owe child support unjustly

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My husband Mark was awarded a settlement for social security disability due to an anxiety disorder which led to chronic abdominal ailment. Mark has been ill since the latter part of 2002. He was on temporary disability from his job until it was depleted. He then applied to public assistance and subsequently applied for social security disability. Prior to Mark illness he faithfully paid $130 per week directly to the mother as ordered by court. Upon getting sick he went to court for a downward modification and was ordered to pay $25 per month. The mother disputed this claiming Mark was hiding income to which the judge believed and revoked the order to $130 per week. We then sought legal representation as we realized the courts were not listening to Mark even though he had ample proof as to why he was unable to pay the over $12,000 in child support arrears. However, the courts did not change the order so the arrears are still accruing. He now owes over $18,000 and there is no way he can afford to pay that. He has income of only $1200 per month from social security disability. He just recieved notice that she is now entitled to 65% of his SSD check which leaves him little income to support himself let alone two other children (we have 2 children together). How can we retifiy this situation. We can not afford to pay this amount of money.
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