Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication OWI-Indiana

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New Member
I have a friend who has a serious problem with alcohol. Before I met him he was arrested for a felony and his license was taken away for ten years. He tells me this happened over ten years ago. He also spent one year in jail because of this crime. This last January he was arrested again for Operating while intoxicated (on a scooter) and was charged with a misdemeanor. I'm not sure what class. His hearing is next week regarding this. Now, just this last week, he got arrested again for OWI on his scooter. He passed the field tests, but did not pass the breathilizer test. He was arrested on two misdemeanors, classes A and C. My question is, since this latest incident happened just within a couple of months of the last one, could it be charged as a felony? After the January incident he was told it could be another year now before he gets his license back. He was originally supposed to get it back this summer. Now since this happened this last week again, could he lose his license for life? And I'm wondering what kind of jail sentence he could be looking at. He's hoping for work release. He also had an incident happen last summer and a restraining order was placed against him. It was later dropped. He's been told since he had the OWI in January, the State has revoked his Bond and he may have to serve some time for the restraining order/domestic incident. From what I understand, he is supposed to appear on all three of these things this next week. And then in April there is supposed to be some sort of jury trial. I don't understand any of this. Just how serious is all of this? Could he be sent away for some serious time? I'm not excusing any of his actions or behavior and believe he shouldn't just get a "slap on the wrist". Because of his alcohol problems and behavior, I've been advised that I should possibly have a restraining order on him to keep him away from me. If he ends up going to jail, possibly I wouldn't have to go that route. Thank you for any input you have.
You need to start going to AA immediately.
Sorry, but your reply really bothers me. I am honestly not talking about myself here. I was hoping by posting my question that I would get a real answer. I personally have never drank, not even touched it. I should have known better than to think someone would really care and give a sincere answer. I know the person I'm referring to needs to be in AA. That's beside the point and wasn't my question. You'll think what you want to, but the question is not about me or anyone in my family, for that matter. It doesn't matter anyway. Time will tell soon enough. I shouldn't have wasted my time posting on this site. What a waste!
This is serious.

You...I mean, your friend...could be going away for a long time.
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