Parole, Probation Owing $$ at end of probation how much time will i do?

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i was on probation for 6 months and owed a total of $1100. i was not and still am not working and could only pay $800 while i was on probation. so on my last day of probation the judge violated em and issued a warrant for my arrest. i am turning myself in tomorrow and was wondering if you could tell me how much money is credited to me for each day spent in jail?
i was on probation for 6 months and owed a total of $1100. i was not and still am not working and could only pay $800 while i was on probation. so on my last day of probation the judge violated em and issued a warrant for my arrest. i am turning myself in tomorrow and was wondering if you could tell me how much money is credited to me for each day spent in jail?

Generally, a fine is a fine, is a fine.

You aren't allowed to do jail time in lieu of a fine, once said fine has been assessed.

The time to litigate the inability to pay a fine, was BEFORE the sentence was pronounced.

That said, you're smart to turn yourself in and ask to be heard about your inability to pay the fines.

Sometimes judges will lend a sympathetic ear to a story about a probationer losing a job, supporting an ill family member, etc...

The problem you will face, is why didn't you inform you PO?

The judge will wonder why you couldn't have discussed this with your PO, and have made other arrangements.

Probation isn't a right, its a privilege.

It becomes a contract between you and the sentencing judge.

Some judges take an absconder's violation of the probation as a violation of the contract with the judge and society.

I'm not trying to berate you, just trying to let you know what you could hear when you stand before the judge that sentenced you.

If you apologize, and ask for another chance (and offer an explanation), many judges will show mercy and let you try again.

Your PO also has influence and is usually allowed to speak.

Good luck, I hope things work out for you.

Get your life together.

You don't want to spend a large amount of your precious life it in jails and prisons!

Ask for help, IF YOU NEED IT!

My probation officer was aware that i was not working while i was on probation. he knew i had no income other than the help my father could provide. we discussed community service but since i live at home with just my father and he works 7 days a week, and i cant drive due to a suspended license, i couldnt commit to community service bc of lack of transportation. shouldnt the judge offer leinancy since i do not have an extensive criminal record and i did mange to pay 1/2 the $1100?
My probation officer was aware that i was not working while i was on probation. he knew i had no income other than the help my father could provide. we discussed community service but since i live at home with just my father and he works 7 days a week, and i cant drive due to a suspended license, i couldnt commit to community service bc of lack of transportation. shouldnt the judge offer leinancy since i do not have an extensive criminal record and i did mange to pay 1/2 the $1100?

As I said, give it a shot.
It sounds believable to me, but I'm not your judge.

I'd also offer to try and make payment arrangements, even $5.00 a week, shows you're trying.

I think you'll do just fine. Good luck.
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