Owner Finance Problem

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I am in SC and am buying a mobile home that is owner financed. The land the home is sitting on is a rental lot that is managed by another person. I have a contract with the lady I am buying the house from and she has a contract with the land company. A few months ago I purchased a older pull behind camper and in the process of getting it ready to use this coming summer. I will be leaving it on a camper lot at the beach for the whole summer. The land guy does not like me having this camper and has written a letter to the lady I am buying my house from giving her 3 weeks to either move this house from the land or sell it to him. I have $7000.00 invested in this house and another $1000.00 in the improvements that I have made to the inside. My question is can the land guy take my home when I do not have a contract with him and I nor the lady I'm buying it from has done anything against the contract she has with him. It's all about my camper that you can not even see unless you are in my yard. This is not in the city limits so it does not go against any city codes and the camper is in great condition other than it needs washing so it's not a eyesore. I find it strange that he wants to buy my house from her and does not know that I am the one buying it, he thinks I am renting.
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