Owner of Diner Wants No Visits from Our Dear Leader Puddin' Head Supporters

army judge

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DEBARY, Fla. - The DeBary Diner is turning heads with a sign posted on the front door.
It reads, "If you voted for and continue to support and stand behind the worthless, inept and corrupt administration currently inhabiting the White House that is complicit in the death of our servicemen and women in Afghanistan, please take your business elsewhere."

"It was the only thing I felt like I could do," said the restaurant's owner, Angie Ugarte.

Ugarte says she posted the message the same day 13 service members were killed in Afghanistan.

"I was just angry. I was just let down. I felt like one of those mothers, or wives, or sisters who were gonna get that knock on the door," she explained.

Ugarte, who's been running the Debary Diner for about five years, says a lot of her regular customers are vets. She has an entire wall in the diner dedicated to members of the military. She blames President Joe Biden's administration for the recent deaths in the Middle East.

"If you really, really still stand behind what's allowed this to happen and the way it happened – which was unnecessary then I really don't want to be associated with you in any way and I certainly don't want your business," she told FOX 35 News.

So what do the customers think?

"I've had people come to the door and look at it and turn around and walk away. And I've had people come into the kitchen while I'm cooking and say, 'Hey, I love your sign,'" Ugarte said.

People we asked have mixed feelings too.

"I wouldn't go there. I don't appreciate it," resident Louis Vasquez.

"She has the right to not let anybody in the restaurant that supports a certain view," said Serenity Smith.

So how long will the sign be up? Ugarte says as long as it takes - pointing out that there are still Americans stranded in Afghanistan.

DeBary restaurant owner says she doesn't want business from Biden supporters - NewsBreak


Volusia restaurant owner posts sign telling Biden supporters not to come in
It is dangerous but so is the Puddin Head administration.

You have to realize though he is just a figure head for the globalists and doing their bidding

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