My jurisdiction is: Reseda, California
I am in the situation of having been partially disabled for about 6 months last year. Then in October I was diagnosed with colon cancer and had my sygmoid colon and bladder removed, which left me fully disabled for another 4 months. Because I didn't qualify for either state of federal disability, I have been living on borrowed money and food stamps. It's the goodness and grace of a handful of friends that has kept me from living on the streets. Am trying to ease my way back into my cabinetry and woodworking career, but am willing to work at almost anything.
I have many of my professional woodworking tools and personal property in a storage facility in Reseda called "The Storage Place". When I was diagnosed with cancer I asked the owner (Jesse Ballard) to please allow me some time to get back on my feet; he agreed to "come up with a plan"; and he did allow me to get several months behind in my rent for the 10 x 20 and (2) 5 x 10 storage units. Although I am currently working and have recently made payments on the units, he has recently sent me "lien letters" and intends to sell or throw away $12,000 to $15, 000 of my stuff. I have pleaded with him to work with me on resolving this matter, including offering to sell some antique tools and even some of my current tools to get him payments, but he has gone back on his word and won't even respond to my offers, despite the fact that it would stop the overdue rent from increasing and eventually get him paid in full.
Many of the things I have in storage, such as my 600 or so audio cassettes of old radio shows, are of no cash value to anyone and will end up being destroyed. The tools of my trade are absolutely necessary to my business; losing them will be a life-crushing blow,
He has been good to me and I will not cheat him; I think he understands this, but for some reason he seems to have hardened.
I am in the situation of having been partially disabled for about 6 months last year. Then in October I was diagnosed with colon cancer and had my sygmoid colon and bladder removed, which left me fully disabled for another 4 months. Because I didn't qualify for either state of federal disability, I have been living on borrowed money and food stamps. It's the goodness and grace of a handful of friends that has kept me from living on the streets. Am trying to ease my way back into my cabinetry and woodworking career, but am willing to work at almost anything.
I have many of my professional woodworking tools and personal property in a storage facility in Reseda called "The Storage Place". When I was diagnosed with cancer I asked the owner (Jesse Ballard) to please allow me some time to get back on my feet; he agreed to "come up with a plan"; and he did allow me to get several months behind in my rent for the 10 x 20 and (2) 5 x 10 storage units. Although I am currently working and have recently made payments on the units, he has recently sent me "lien letters" and intends to sell or throw away $12,000 to $15, 000 of my stuff. I have pleaded with him to work with me on resolving this matter, including offering to sell some antique tools and even some of my current tools to get him payments, but he has gone back on his word and won't even respond to my offers, despite the fact that it would stop the overdue rent from increasing and eventually get him paid in full.
Many of the things I have in storage, such as my 600 or so audio cassettes of old radio shows, are of no cash value to anyone and will end up being destroyed. The tools of my trade are absolutely necessary to my business; losing them will be a life-crushing blow,
He has been good to me and I will not cheat him; I think he understands this, but for some reason he seems to have hardened.