Ownership of a Long bow / Recurve Bow NY State (Convicted Felon)

ralf bowwer

New Member
Hello. i have been searching the net all over for this answer but have gotten nothing but conflicting information.

Can a Convicted Felon NY State. Class E Non-violent time served and free. own and possess a longbow or a recurve bow for archery practice. he does not hunt he just likes to practice archery on his own land in the woods. he also has a Cert of relief of disabilities 11.C checked.

thank you for your time
Hello. i have been searching the net all over for this answer but have gotten nothing but conflicting information.

Can a Convicted Felon NY State. Class E Non-violent time served and free. own and possess a longbow or a recurve bow for archery practice. he does not hunt he just likes to practice archery on his own land in the woods. he also has a Cert of relief of disabilities 11.C checked.

thank you for your time

Ask the county sheriff or the prosecutor.

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