P Smith

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IN Oct. 2003 my son, then 36 years old underwent total knee replcement. Dec 2003 he was back in surgury to revise old surgury. He has had nothing but trouble with this knee and constant pain. In July this doctor told him he
would need it done over. At the time of first surgury he was suppose to be given a card bearing serial & lot number for this compontant used. He would need to present this card with information in order to board an airplane or go through any metal detector. He was not given this card with important information. The serial number is not in his medical file.
He filed for disability on doctor's advice saying if he did not get off his feet he would have to have hip replacement.Because of the bad knee, his hips are out of line causing arthritis and severe pain with very limitited activity. Disability is pending with no soon resolution I would like to know if there is a statue of limitations on how long he has to file lawsuit against this doctor, hospital or manufacturer of knee According to most, no one is approved for disability for at least three years. He has a family, four children with no way to support them.
This artificial joint catches sometimes without warning and someone has to pull out on his leg for him to work this joint back in place. Seems to me someone should be liable for messing up a young man to the point he is in constant pain with no quality of life left. I appreciate your advice.
What I really need to know is "is there a statue of limitation on filing lawsuit against a doctor for something like this?."
What I really need to know is "is there a statue of limitation on filing lawsuit against a doctor for something like this?." How long do you have to file suit?
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