Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse PA Drug Charge Minor

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My question involves criminal law for the state of: Pennsylvania. I was at my buddies appmnt complex last night smoking a blunt. A girl had called the cops on us so I quickly got into my car and left. The lady told the cops what I looked like and what car I was in. As i was driving back to my house I was pulled over by a cop. Two minutes later 3 more cops were on the scene. I put up a good verbal fight with the 6 officers that had been standing around my car. I did not let them in until one of them illegally searched my car. He stuck his hand through my window, unlocking my door. He threatened to rip my door open. After he got it open he pulled me out. Upon a considered "illegal search" they found a small amount of weed. The officers were going to charge me with DUI but my dad arrived and helped me out. I am wondering what will happen now. Will the judge be notified about my bad behavior towards the police, will the judge know that I was high at the time and will be charged with a DUI. Can the judge alter a charge? I had been arrested back in 2010 for the same thing. That is now expunged off my record. But will I be placed on probation? Will I get a harsher punishment for being a dick to the officers, + will my license be taken away. I had also sped past the cop and he was the one that turned around to get me. What will happen now? I am 17. "I was not arrested, the officers turned me over to my dad, but still had charged me. Waiting for a summon sooner or later"
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You really don't give enough to determine if an illegal search took place.
The officers have the authority to order you out of the car for sobriety tests and safety reasons, and they also likely could smell marijuana in the car.
You apparently were refusing to get out of the car and that complicated things.
I see a number of ways in which this would all be legitimate. You could have prevented a lot of this by simply stepping out of the car and locking the car door behind you.
Nobody can accurately say what will happen. It is not clear what charges you will ultimately face and you may have a bit of a record.
This is more of your parents problem right now. They should get a lawyer and work this out.
Agree. Your parents need to get you a lawyer to see what he/she might be able to do for you in regard to charges.
(Before I inevitably get yelled at there are two legitimate reasons for suggesting rehab.

1: You need it - you can't control your habit. It's controlling you.

2: It will show to the judge that you're serious if you start before you're ordered to go)
Good suggestion. OP is only 17 & was arrested in 2010 for same thing.
Exactly. And if he wants to PM me, I have more than my fair share of experience with addiction. I KNOW what it's like :)
Hahaha i refuse going to rehab. Im not addicted to anything. I smoke weed everyday and do what I want. Im stayin under tha radar after i get past this whole situation. thanks for the answers..
Hahaha i refuse going to rehab. Im not addicted to anything. I smoke weed everyday and do what I want. Im stayin under tha radar after i get past this whole situation. thanks for the answers..

You're a foolish child.

One day you'll learn - the hard way.
These types of questions need to be asked of your lawyer which you need.
Every state is different, but it its unlikely you will see anything significant come of this... unless you are also facing some kind of obstruction/delay charge.
Here in California you would only have gotten a ticket for a tiny bit of weed
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