PA Power of Attorney executed while incompetent and back dated

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We have a family issue and members are trying to force a sale of property using their POA from their incompetent father. They all of a sudden came up with a POA ( after first providing an unsigned and not PA Specific to realtor) then they came up with correct PA format signed but back dated to 2007. This is not specific to a sale of real estate just a general. The pages where the agents attest are not notarized. The date format can easily be proved to be not the way the principal dates documents. Can they force a sale of real estate with this POA? Principal in PA property in NJ. My husband has interest in property and we do not want sold. Have very greedy family members.

Thanking you in advance for your anticipated courtesies.
I would notify any realtor that they employ that their Power of Attorney is not valid. I would also file an affidavit on the record of the county to cloud the title of the property. This will not be valid to pass title. No Attorney or lender will take it so you don't have a lot to be concerned about.

Someone needs to file an action in the Probate court to have a guardian appointed to your father and his assets. That will solve the problem and someone will have the power to say yea or nay on the house.
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