Paaaralegals and Probate/will laws

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New Member
In the State of New Jersey Is it practical to use a paralegal to help in a pro-se litigation when one of the parties cannot afford a lawyer (and a large retainer):confused:
Is the paralegal licensed to practice law?
In the State of New Jersey Is it practical to use a paralegal to help in a pro-se litigation when one of the parties cannot afford a lawyer (and a large retainer):confused:

It would appear as though one can help:

Non lawyers can assist or represent litigants in court. JOHNSON V. AVERY, 89 S.Ct. 747

Members of group who are competent non lawyers can assist other members of group achieve the goals of the group in court without being charged with "unauthorized practice of law" BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY TRAINMEN V. VIRGINIA , 377 US 1; NAACP V. BUTTON, 371 US 415 (1962); SIERRA CLUB V. NORTON, 92 S.Ct. 1561; UNITED MINE WORKERS V. GIBBS, 383 US 715; FARETTA V. CALIFORNIA, 422 US 806
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