Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft paid 4 the item, they stiII keep it?

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New Member
I was caught taking a DVD 0ut 0f a case and I waIked 0ut with it. This is my first time steaIing and I did s0 intenti0naIIy because I feIt that STORE NAME and STORE NAME are the 1s steaIing fr0m pe0pIe in f0regn c0untries.
Anyway, I g0t caught and I understand that I have 2 pay 4 the item. WHat I'm w0ndering is that is it IawfuI f0r me 2 have 2 pay f0r the item and nt get the item…I returned the item 2 the pers0n wh0 caught me. S0 I have 2 pay f0r it and they get 2 keep it?

NAMES of stores edited to protect users privacy.
If you wanted to keep the DVD you should have just bought it in the 1st place.
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