Paid Holidays on FMLA?

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I feel rather silly asking such a really basic question, but the question was raised recently and have not found specific answer to it.

Our policy is to not pay holidays to an employee on an unpaid leave. Do we have to pay holidays to someone on FML if they have no paid leave available?
You only have to treat employees on FMLA the same as you treat employees on other forms of leave. So if you don't pay employees on non-FMLA leave for holidays, you don't have to pay employees on FMLA leave.
Agree, FMLA should be considered "invisible" re the employee. The employee is to be treated just as any other employee would be treated who is on non-FMLA leave during holidays.
Thanks Honorable Scholar cbg and Justice Betty. That's what I'd understood, but an employee was arguing that "same as other (non-FML) employee" meant "same as working".
Appreciate the clarification
Tell your employee that I have that information straight from the DOL - a few years back I had someone who wouldn't believe me until they heard it straight from the source.

So I got the source on the phone for them. :roflmao:
People never cease to amaze me.

They beg their way through their pathetic lives and wonder why they get nowhere.

Look at dogs, nice creatures, but begging hasn't done well by them.
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