Paid in 2006... 2008 they tell me it's not!

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New Member
In November 2006, I wrote a check for one of my accounts, noted it "paid in full," and put on my account number in the memo line.

I never heard anothe peep out of that company after that; no more letters, no more statements, no more faxes, no more phone calls; and believe me, they were relentless about contacting me.

Just today, I received a call from "a third party, gathering information," telling me that I owed another sum of money.

The company she is calling on behalf of just recently bought up the company I had paid the account with. At first she was telling me that "paid in full" didn't mean anything, now she has changed her story to "paid in full" has to be on the endorsement line to be accepted, then she added that "paid in full" also had to accompany the two specific invoices they are claiming are tied to this transaction.

If I still owed the original company money, for as much as they had hounded me before (calling, faxing, etc. on a DAILY basis), isn't it logical to believe they would have continued to hound me? Isn't it logical for me to believe that, since they cashed the "paid in full" check back in 2006, and never contacted me again, that they too considered the account paid in full too?

What should I be requesting / asking of this "third party," (because the lady I've been speaking to will NOT say she is a collection company, she will NOT say she is with a law firm or legal representative, ... only that the company is a third party gathering information). She tells me they wouldn't be willing to provide me copies of all transactions from that year, even though my records show very few transactions took place in 2006.

Advice please?!
Tell them that without any more specifics from them and proof of what and who they are gathering information for, you will not volunteer any additional information. Hope this helps!
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Thanks for that advice.
I did request to receive information IN WRITING from them, which I did finally receive. However, in the meantime, I also called the State Commerce Dept., who requires collection companies to be licensed in this state. The company involved is not licensed, and the State had told me I should file a complaint against them and to absolutely NOT send them anything.
Also, I got a copy of the check from the bank. Since I have the account number referrenced in my computer program, I assumed I had not only written "paid in full," but had also put the account number on. After getting a copy of the check (mind you, I wrote it back in 2006) I must have noted the account number when reconcilling the account, because the account number is actually on the memo line is someone else's handwriting. To me, it shows they were aware of the "paid in full" in the memo area.
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