Paid in Gifts/ Employer Claims Cash

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Recently due to events in my life I becam homeless. I was helping care for a sick family member and when they died found that my employment gap made it difficult to find a job. An aquantance of mine offered to help me out by having me do some work around their home and home office. A wage was never settled upon and the aquantance gave me small amounts of money, $5 and $10 at a time. I would repeatedly ask about when I was going to get paid but was brushed off with a later and its going to be worth your time kind of answers. Given my situation I felt I had no other choice. After a couple weeks of employment and little money (less than $50) and some clothes. I confronted him and demanded payment. He promtly fired me and said he wasn't going to pay anything.

I left believing that I would never see any money. However, the other day an offical looking document looking something like an I099-MISC arrived at my parents house. I believe that it states that I was paid $5,000 and some odd amount for my work! Do I have any recourse? Why would this person file documents when it seems that I had no way of proving my employment?
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Tell us exactly what the document is and what it says (leaving out personal info).
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