New Member
I received my standard visitation paperwork last month that was filed in August. My ex was living just over 100 miles (2 hours away) at the time and this past week moved a further 300 miles (6 hours there) away. The problems I am having now is over who is responsible for the driving for the visitations. When she filed she used 2 wrong addresses for me (her/our old address and my other old address after moving out from with them are both in the paperwork for me) even though I have been at my current address since mid July. My actual visitation amount is the same (my choice of weekend once a month with 14 days notice) however I was originally supposed to do the picking up and dropping off. Now that she has moved and I have not the papers state she is supposed to pick up the kids at the end of the visit and I still pick them up at the beginning. I emailed her tonight for my first visit since her move to be next month, and she is claiming that she is not responsible for any of the driving because my old address is on the papers so it looks like I moved too, even though I did over a month before the orders were filed. I'm not sure what to do now, she is 6 hours away, and 12 hours of driving twice in one weekend will make it very hard to visit the kids the one weekend a month I now get with them. What do I do? Do I just pick them up like she said I can and tell her I expect her to pick them up on Sunday when she has already made it clear that she won't be doing and of the driving? She left her car when she moved and is now living with a friend, and is claiming that is another reason she won't drive. I'm afraid if I tell her I'm picking up the kids that Friday as is my right and that she needs to figure out how to pick them up on Sunday that she will just refuse the visit after I drive all the way there.