Paperwork on Judgement has an error

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New Member
In a small claims court, I was sued and the plaintiff was awarded a partial judgement. I do not remember going to court for this hearing.

The only paperwork I have is a statement from the judge stating:

AMount of Judgement: $80
Court Costs: $2500

Total Amount Due: $0

This is reporting to my credit report as a judgement, and I have been contacted by the sheriff's department as to how I will pay this woman.

According to this document signed by the judge, I owe nothing.

Please tell me how to proceed- My state is SC
Check back with the court to see what is the amount owed on the judgement and take it from there regarding how you will work out payments if, in fact, an error was made by the clerk of the court. Good Luck!
If there is a judgement, will I still be liable even though the paperwork was written incorrectly and signed by the judge claiming all of the information to be true.

Or would this be a technicality and release me from the judgement since the judge did not read the clerk of court's written judgement before signing it.
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