Can an officer thoroughly search a car more than once? In other words, if he went through the vehicle 1 time and found nothing but then a second officer shows up, and officer 1 researches the vehicle and "found" something, can that not be seen as, for lack of better term, planting?
As a prosecutor, this issue was often brought forth by inexperienced defense attorneys.
It could easily be explained by saying "officer safety".
If there is ONE officer, he or she has to watch the "suspect", sometimes MULTIPLE suspects, while trying to search the vehicle.
For those that have done it, you know immediately how daunting that can be, especially at "2 DARK THIRTY" after MIDNIGHT in some remote, isolated portion of Interstate or a back county, dirt road.
Heck, even in urban areas, it ain't easy!
An experienced officer doesn't even need to be prepared by the prosecutor to explain why a second search, assisted by more officers on scene, can often turn up contraband.
Yes, some cops go rogue and plant stuff.
The vast majority of cops don't need to plant things because most perps are to stupid not to carry things around that can get them arrested!