parent of underage noncustodial parent

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My question is concerning an underage noncustodial parent. My son is 15 years old and already a dad, I know it is way too young but he isn't the only. He has a part-time job after school and pays the grandparents of his son 25.00 a week. We thought everything was going fine until we recieved a summons to appear in court for child support. I really don't understand why because he does pay half of what he makes to them already. So my question is can we as grandparents be ordered to pay child support? We do help support the baby and are very generous but I think it should be at our leisure not court ordered. Thank you
Legally, you are responsible for what your child does. That may come into play when it comes to child support.

He has learned a hard lesson on sex it seems.

He needs to show up for the summons but given he is in school and probably does not work much, they will base his support based on that.

It is up to him whether or not he wants to continue to pay the voluntary support.
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