parent rights

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I have teenagers 15 1/2 & 17. I found out they both smoke cigarettes and I do not want them getting MIP charges so I decided to allow them to smoke very modestly at home in hopes to deter smoking away from home where they may get in trouble. Can I, as their parent, get in any trouble with the law or child protective services by allowing them to do this?
I realy dont think so. But the thing is, if they smoke, then they are 'smokers', and smokers are gonna 'smoke' whether they are at home or not. Letting them smoke at home will not stop them from smoking elswhere. It may only make it worse. Not allowing them to smoke at all, and standing firm about it, may be your only chance at getting them to stop smoking. If you allow it, then they could get there mind set that it's somehow OK in a way . Therefore, they may become even more 'loose' about smoking in public. Especially since there mom said it was OK> That's a hard oneto take control of, Good Luck.
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