Parental and civil rights violations?

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I think my friend's parental and civil rights have been violated several times in her custody case. Her daughter is now moving to cali, where she can see her child for a total of 5 hrs a year. Before this she tryed twice to change her visitation superviser, and both where denied, but she cannot afford the one she was suppose to use. there is alot more that has happened in this case that is beyond messed up. If anyone can help, or help me get her case info to someone that can look it over to see if her rights have been violated I would be very thankfull.
It sounds like she is a major screwup, who was only given visitation because it was deemed some contact might be good for the child. I don't see any agency assisting her for free.
Her and her ex had custody taken away a few years ago because he beat the child. Since then she has been working on getting custody back, but his parents got involved in the case, and they have money to pay for decent lawyers. In the last year she went from having unlimited supervised visition, to 1 hr a week (this happened suddenly and in one day), to now 5 hrs a year. She cannot afford a lawyer, and every motion she enters is denied.
and disagreeable, if you don't want to help please don't bash when you know nothing of the case or the people. If you are trying to mess with people, then please don't read or post on this thread.
You aren't providing any information that suggests anything has been done wrong or unfairly.
Just because rulings didn't go her way does not mean she was mistreated.
Why were motions denied? Part of your problem here is your just a "friend" we really need to hear from her to get a better idea if something wrong is going on here or not
and disagreeable, if you don't want to help please don't bash when you know nothing of the case or the people. If you are trying to mess with people, then please don't read or post on this thread.

Her and her ex had custody taken away a few years ago because he beat the child.

On the contrary, you just proved my point. You aren't providing info that anything unfair or illegal has been done. In fact, in my state, a couple had their child taken away and were scheduled for supervised visits at the local CSB office. The CSB office dropped the ball and was allowing the hour long visits to be unsupervised. After this happening over a short period of time, it came to light the parents were sexually violating the young child during the visits and taking cell phone pictures of the acts. You as an outsider, would not be privy to any findings regarding the care of the child, except what mom is spoon feeding you.
Her and her ex had custody taken away a few years ago because he beat the child. Since then she has been working on getting custody back, but his parents got involved in the case, and they have money to pay for decent lawyers. In the last year she went from having unlimited supervised visition, to 1 hr a week (this happened suddenly and in one day), to now 5 hrs a year. She cannot afford a lawyer, and every motion she enters is denied.

Ah, no. She wouldn't have lost custody unless she CONTINUED to expose the child to the abuser. She made a choice, apparently.

And going from unlimited to limited? You're not getting the whole story there either - I guarantee it.

She needs to educate herself - if she can't afford an attorney she needs to seriously start reading up on how to file a motion, which motions to file.

Does she have a case-worker?

And be nice to the volunteers here, otherwise your stay will be markedly shorter than you'd like.
No offense intended but either your not telling us everything or your friend is not telling you everything. Its not possible to help you without all the required info. Based on the little you have told us we cannot help you. You need to tell us the details ro get your friend to tell you if you want help. Even an Attorney would not be able to help without all the details
When her daughter was a month old, her now ex-husband beat their child. The lil girl was hurt badly and the day after it happened they took their daughter to the er. He was arrested and charged with felony child abuse (case is still on going), she was hit with not getting her daughter to the doctor sooner. She was in a very controlling and abusive marrige then and he didn't want to go. She admits she messed up with not getting her daughter care sooner, but in the last 3 years she has taken 2 parenting classes, and while her parents had custody, while DHS was still involved, she was granted unlimited supervised visitation. When the divorce was done the dhs case was released, but the divorce judge kept the custody part open as the ex and his parents wanted visitation. About a year ago the ex's parents to awared custody, they lied about proven facts and falseifyed photos, but the judge didn't want to hear it and gave them custody. When the custody was changed my friend's visitation was dropped to an hour a week supervised because a CFI worker said to. The CFI worker watched her and her daughter once, and had one interview. The ex's family had 3-4 visits watched and 2 interviews. They have called her a drug addict, and drunk many times, but she has willingly enrolled in a drug program that gives her random UAs to help prove she is clean. When she trys to correct them in court about the drugs and drinking the judge sides with them. In the last 3 months she has filed for changes with her visitation. twice she filed for a change of the supervisor, which the ex's parents picked. during the 3rd week after filing it the ex's parents file about how she is lieing about how much the current person is charging and she just doesn't like current supervisor. She has showen proof about how much the current supervisor is charging. The judge told my friend and her parents to file for unsupervised visitation, which she did. The day before the court date to see if her daughter would be allowed to move to cali she go a denial from the judge. He has never said why he has denied anything she has filed. The judge let her daughter move to cali with almost no fight, even thou several things where brought up in court that should have made him think. About 6 months ago she was talking to lawyers, and a few of them said she was being rail-roaded after looking at the case, but with everything going on in the case they want too much money.
The judge told them that?

I highly doubt that.

Honestly? You're all over the place here. Mom needs an attorney - that's really the bottom line.
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