parental rights


New Member
So me amd my girlfriend want me on the birth certificate not the real father but he won't agree to me signing it is there a way to do it without his permission?
So me amd my girlfriend want me on the birth certificate not the real father but he won't agree to me signing it is there a way to do it without his permission?

No, you aren't the father, and if you do claim to be the father, a DNA test will PROVE you lied.
Besides, in a week or a month, you'll be snuggling up to a new squeeze. Be smart, beat feet for the nearest exit. Any woman that wants you to lie, will get someone to lie on you, too.
I guess OP wants to be liable to pay CS when he and GF break up.
Ok so you want to do a backdoor adoption to a child you did not Father from a woman who you are only a "boyfriend" to? You have no clue the risky situation you want to place yourself into. If the Father wants to be a Father he has every right to do so. You nor your Gf have any right to try to strip him of that right
Oh my gosh, you don't want to do that. You need to think about what you are getting into. (too many problems)