Parking Meter Zone Question

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Hello All...
I am having a very difficult time finding information about parking meter zones. I was turning left into a parking lot from one of those middle lanes with the yellow lines on each side. The street that I was on has 2 lanes on each side, and then designated parking meter space lines painted on the road on the far right. It was 4:45pm, and the signs said parking until 6pm. This is where it gets tricky, and NO ONE seems to know the answer. The two lanes of traffic were stopped because the light had turned red. The other drivers had left space for me to go across the two lanes and into the parking lot's driveway. All cars were stopped, everything was clear, I proceeded very slowly through the space and then BAM! A guy in an F150 decided that he didn't want to wait nicely in one of the tow lanes like everyone else. He instead chose to avoid the line, and swerve to the right. This meant that he was driving over the marked parking spaces and heading directly towards the front of my little corolla!:o Now this is where I am having trouble sorting out the law. When you turn left you are supposed to yield to all oncoming traffic. All was clear until this guy randomly decided to drive down the side of the road. What is the law about driving in that space? Can he do that? Was he driving illegally? My insurance company is saying that it's my fault! Any advice about what City Official I should talk to, or what the actual law or code is for driving all the way over on the right would be greatly appreciated. No one seems to know what the rule about it is. HELP!!!!! Thanks for taking the time to read this :confused:
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