Parking Practices in Traverse City, MI

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Own a home within city limits of TC, which we live in during the summer and quick vacations during the year.
Our neighbors directly across the street have lots of traffic (? unlicensed daycare), and generally their visitors park in front of our house blocking the mailbox. At our residence in another state, the mailperson will/can not deliver mail if the mailbox is blocked by a parked vehicle, so this TC street parking practice seems unusual. Are there TC ordinances which address this situation? Suggestions on how best to proceed would be appreciated.
Thanks for any assistance.
I doubt anyone here will have knowledge of those local ordinances. You will get your answer from the county code enforcement office. In fact, speaking with the local postmaster may be a good idea too.
Generally, there is nothing wrong with parking on the street in front of somebody's house. Parking in your driveway may be an issue, but not curbside.
If your mail is not being delivered it should be a simple matter to rectify.
If your hope is to use an obscure local ordinance to prevent people from parking in front of your home you will likely have no luck.
Thanks for your response.
My concern is lack of mail delivery because the mail van can't access the mailbox which is blocked by parked vehicles. After speaking with our mail carrier he confirmed the practice NOT to deliver mail if the mailbox is blocked. He says they write "car" on the envelope indicating the reason for undelivered mail.
I guess my next stop is the postmaster.
Question - where are the mailboxes located? If they are next to valid parking spots then I'd have to say this is the least intelligent solution I have ever heard. It's difficult to believe that the mailboxes are not next to painted or some restricted area that makes it illegal to park in front of a mailbox. Perhaps you can explain more about this to us and inform us if there is some common pattern in your neighborhood which would probably be best explained by a local ordinance, e.g. all mailboxes within X feet of a driveway and illegal to park within X feet of a driveway, etc.
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