Parking Ticket Violation AZ

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About a month ago I was at work and I needed my boyfriend to bring me shoes and clothes as I did not know I was to be serving that day. There is a small alley along the restaurant that I work at, used by the valet service. He pulled into the alley a little bit, while I ran outside and grabbed my clothes. The entire transaction was about 20-30 seconds long before he pulled away and left. Three weeks later I receive a notice in the mail reminding me of a $150.00 parking ticket that is due in 5 days and becomes delinquent after that, increasing the fine to $225.00 (he was driving my car). He, or I, never received any sort of ticket, only the notification in the mail. I checked the option to take the issue to court and mailed it back in. My court date is next week and I don't know how to approach it. I've heard before that tickets can be thrown out if they were not issued to you in person. Also, he wasn't even parked long enough for the parking ticket guy to give him a ticket!! On the ticket it even states "drive away," so I know the person who issued the ticket wont try and say that I did receive a ticket and throw it away or something. I work right next to the University of Arizona so they like to roam around handing out tickets to anyone they can. I don't know if this matters, but the person who issued the ticket was not an officer, it was a service I'm guessing the University hires to distribute tickets. I am a college student and cannot afford to pay for this! Any sort of advice would be great.

Thank you!
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