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My car was parked at a country club. When I came back to the car the backseat window on the left side was broken. It was apparent that a golf ball hit it. The lawn was also cut that day and a shreaded ball was found under the car. The police that came agreed that the most liely possibility was that a ball got caught in the lawn mower and jumped at the windo and broke the wondow. Is the country club responsible for fixing my window? There is a sign that says, among other things, park at your own risk. I understand that sign would reduce their liability if another member hit it with a golf ball, but this was the apparent fault of an employee (the person cutting the grass). I would greatly appreciate any help in this matter.
When you park in the parking lot of a golf club, you assume the risk of golf balls damaging your car.
Does it matter that:
I am a student at a public high school and that the country club has given some parking to the high school students (I wasnt there for the country club)? The emplyee who damaged my car didnt bother to contact me or to attempt to protect the vehicle from someone breaking into it or animals getting in. I coinsedentaly left school early that day so the car did not remain like that for a long period of time.......but If i left at a regular time the interior of my car could have been destroied....shouldnt the employee have attempted to contact me, the police, or atleast cover the broken window? What I mean is isn't it a type of "hit and run" since the employee didnt even make any effort to contact me (they know I am a FHS note was left on the car and I spoke to managment there (who are undecided if they will pay) and they did not know the accident occured)....the glass on the floor was not even cleaned.Where I was parked was not in the path of the gulf course its just that the ball got caought in the mower......
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If it was damaged by an employee, chances are he never knew it. Those riding mowers are loud, and most drivers wear ear protection ... even if they didn't, the noise might drown out the crack of the window.

You can make a claim to the country club and see if they will honor it. I'm going to guess they won't. Since they have warning to park at your own risk, that pretty much is their way of telling you that they absolve themselves of all responsibilty for damage done to your car.

- Carl
Carl Thanks for the info...but I would also like to note that the car was parked in a corner (with a small patch of grass and a tree near it...... the guy had to bee within 2-3ft of it and would have had to have seen the broken glass even if he didnt notice........and the employee should be a "professional" and should notice something caught in his machine.
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