Thanks for your quick response. Ever heard of a new Texas law that prevents the state from sending you back "Just" because of a bad Polygragh.
If your PO wants to revoke you, you'll be entitled to hearing before a judge.
At that hearing you have the right to remain silent. If you're smart, you'll avail yourself of that right, except to answer factual questions (name, address, date of birth, etc..; be polite, be well dressed; be on time; and ask the court to appoint a lawyer to represent you at the hearing).
I'd disabuse myself about a law helping you. You are on parole, and your rights are few. They don't need a reason to revoke you, mere suspicious circumstances will do quite nicely.
If I were you, and wanted to remain in the FREE world, I'd do everything the way they tell me.
You have placed yourself in a lifetime box surrounded by suspicion. Ask for that lawyer, stay out of trouble, and wait for your day in court.
They own you. When they yank your string, you better be jumping. If you resist, you know where you'll eventually end up. They don't need much a reason, either.