Parole, Probation, Release Parole violation for non payment of restitution.

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Any opinions on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

I would like to forego the personal judgements and let you know I am an ex offender. I was convicted of two counts of theft by unlawful taking in which I received a six year sentence. Due to the nature of my crime and all the good time I accrued while in prison and on parole I have actually served the actual time requirement of my sentence. But, I remain on parole because I was ordered to pay restitution( Ky Probation and Parole rules state a parolee remains on parole until all restitution is paid). I make all attempts to make the restitution but went forty five days between payments due to a relocation for a new job. I do not victimize myself in any way. But I have been threatened with a parole violation if I don't pay on time. What is the potential sanction on a parole violation where the time has been served? Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
You might talk to your PO or a lawyer.
Well, I being an educated woman would have thought of that first. however, the parole officer and I have not had the best relationship, my past attempts to ask questions have been met with either ignoring or providing me misinformation alltogether. In an interesting twist I worked with a close family member of my parole officer and the family member said I was very disliked and was not given a reason. It's certainly not due to my lack of parole compliance. I am a model parolee. Not a lifetime offender or criminal thinker and I know how life really is, it's unfair most of the time. So, I do what needs to be done. I come to the forum for secondary suggestions or perhaps first hand experience with case law. I have been unsuccessful with both the department of corrections, they don't know what sanctions could be imposed and a private attorney. So, I willing to take speculation. Thanks again!
You haven't been the perfect parolee; you have not followed the conditions as ordered.

Theoretically you can be given a custodial sentence.
Paying the fines, fees, and other assessments is part of their deal.

You dance to their music, or they'll confine you, sooner or later.

The only way to rid your life if them is to pay their tribute or die.

They'll never stop hounding you.
Thanks for your replies, they are greatly appreciated. I have fourmulated a more specific request on my original post after considering your comments;

I am on state parole, not federal, there are differences.( e.g. a federal parolee can petition to have some or all of his restitution forgiven due to the lack of personal assets/ ability to pay). The federal parole system is more organized, though tougher as I understand it.
Probation does not apply to me, nor do any of its rules.
A very important note that cannot be overlooked is that I have served out my sentence back in October of this year so I can serve no more time for the crime for which I was convicted and imprisoned. If I had remained in prison for another ten months I would have been released and my sentence complete. Restitution would have fallen on a civil court judgement to collect. However, I was granted parole before that happened and the monthly payments a stipulation of that release as is the case on most theft parolees.

Would any additional time sanctions, should they occur, be in violation of the original sentence? In other words would I be punished again for the crime?
If a person accepts parole, it's the gift with many unreasonable conditions. Professional offenders never accept parole, because of the reasons you suggest. As far as the debt, it'll never go away. I won't bore you with why, but I'll offer a simple parallel: taxes, you are forced to live by their rules. You're playing a dangerous game with your life and freedom. If they want to screw you, trust me, they'll find a clever way. Do whatever it takes to get them to go away. Don't poke the hornet's nest.
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