Assault & Battery Parolee domestic violence

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New Member
Weve been married a year. I fund he did 25 years for murder. He is angry and violent but went ovr the edge by hitting me and strangling me.
This not the first time. Threaens to kill me if I tell anybody. If i tell probation, what happens to him?
Weve been married a year. I fund he did 25 years for murder. He is angry and violent but went ovr the edge by hitting me and strangling me.
This not the first time. Threaens to kill me if I tell anybody. If i tell probation, what happens to him?

If he is on PAROLE, then telling a Probation Officer will do nothing ... unless he is on AB 109 parole. But, if he is on parole for MURDER, then he is almost certainly not out on AB 109.

So, if you tell his parole officer, they will likely detain him until they investigate. However, if you do not report the attack to the police they will almost certainly have to let him go after 30 days.

You need to get away from him now! get as far away as you can, and do not tell him where you are going! PLEASE say there are no children with this guy! No children will make it easier to get away and to find shelter.

if you need help to get away, contact a local women's shelter immediately! Phone numbers are available online and in the phone book in most counties, and it is almost a certainty that the police or sheriff's office in your locale can assist in making these arrangements if you make a report.

If you do nothing, you guarantee that he will retain control over you and that he will continue to beat you until he kills you. You need to get out!

If you tell me the county you are in, I can probably locate the best 24-hour service to get you help.
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