Partner Claims His Wife as Third Partner for Control

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I've been trying to start a business with a partner. Only his name and my name are on the DBA and his wife has not participated in any aspect of the business whatsoever.

We've been running into some disagreements as he continually wants to change the terms of our original agreement placing additional burdens on me, financial and otherwise, and claiming that his wife is also a partner, by virtue of the fact that they are married, which means (in his mind) that he gets two votes on every issue to my one vote as I am single.

We don't have a written partnership agreement, but the DBA in Travis County is also a Certificate of Ownership. Here's what it states regarding ownership:

I/WE, the undersigned, are the owner(s) of the above mentioned business, and my/our name(s) and address(es) are true and correct and there is/are no ownership(s) in said business other than those listed herein below:

Then it has my name and his name and this is on file in Travis County.

I'm pretty sure that what he is trying to do has no legal grounds, but I'm not sure where to find what the law actually says about this. I have a feeling that this is going to end up in court, as I am losing money and he is reaping the benefits at my expense, but I need to make sure that I know what the law is.

Does anyone know where I can find this information or at least some terminology so that I can proceed with doing research on the legality of it?

Thanks! Jeff
His wife is not your partner by virtue of his marriage.

She is his partner in marriage and business, in many cases in Texas. We are a community property state.

Simply, you're right.

If you're smart, you should terminate all dealings with him immediately. Why would you knowingly allow him to puck your pocket?

If you aren't making money in a business venture, get out!

You should retain an attorney ASAP.

If you don't this bum and his wife will bankrupt you.

You're allowing Bonnie and Clyde to commit robbery against your valuable assets. Get out now, while you have something left.
Thanks Army Judge,

I had agreed to renovate a property of his at my expense inorder that we would share it as our place of business. The manipulative behavior didn't start until recently when most of the renovation has been completed.

I'm assuming that I will have to take him to court to recover what I've put into the building.

Do you think I would have a good chance of recovering my losses?

Many thanks, Jeff
AJ's Legal Maxim Número Uno: Don't agree to do anything (or forbear from doing anything), unless and until you've reduced everything to writing!

You can indeed sue this deadbeat, cheating, conman OP.

How the case turns out is anyone's guess.

But, even if you prevail, collecting your judgment is harder by a nine to one margin!

Stop letting these bandits rib you!

Cut off their ATM privileges.

If there is nothing in writing, you're not obligated to let this financial rapist molest your bank accounts!

Thanks Army Judge,

I had agreed to renovate a property of his at my expense inorder that we would share it as our place of business. The manipulative behavior didn't start until recently when most of the renovation has been completed.

I'm assuming that I will have to take him to court to recover what I've put into the building.

Do you think I would have a good chance of recovering my losses?

Many thanks, Jeff
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