Passed out


New Member
I don't know if this is the proper area to post my thread.
I passed out/blacked out and went in to the hospital myself to see if I was fine. I was released but I was informed that per ARS a person after experiencing a black out is not allowed to drive for 90 days
Does that sound corect?
I don't know if this is the proper area to post my thread.
I passed out/blacked out and went in to the hospital myself to see if I was fine. I was released but I was informed that per ARS a person after experiencing a black out is not allowed to drive for 90 days
Does that sound corect?

I suggest you read the law for yourself, and on Monday call someone at the AZ DOT to confirm your findings.

If you aren't proactive about this matter, you'll only mess it up more.

Medical Review

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