Past Drug Test Results

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Here's my situation, I resigned my safety sensitive position because I failed a drug test for marijuana. I only worked at the job for 4 months so I am thinking of just leaving the position off of future job applications. From what I have been reading, it does not seem clear that a future employer may necessarily find out about the previous job unless I bring it to there attention. If I am not a current CDL holder, does a future employer have a way of finding out about past drug test result without talking to my previous employer.

I know I screwed up badly, I had an argument with a subordinate employee right before the end of my shift and I was still hyped up about it when I got home. I went into my wife's stash, took a couple of hits to mellow out and go figure I got pulled for a random the next day. I did so little, I thought I would pass but didn't.

I did have a great career in the transportation industry for thirteen years but due to stress and burnout my interpersonal relations suffered at work and I eventually lost my job. I was out of work for two years before this job came and offered me a chance to rebuild my career but I am afraid I have made a complete mess of my life. While I was out of work I went and got a post bacc. certificate as a paralegal but I haven't had any success in finding a position in the legal profession. I want to start again as truck driver and try to move back to management over time. My hope is that I haven't torpedoed my chances of doing that. By the way, did I mention that I have 20 year old felony conviction. I've really done a great job of mucking things up. Any advice or information would be most helpful.
Is it likely that an employer will find out about it? Hard to say. It is impossible? Not even close.

I've been introduced to my new boss, only to find that he's my old boss from a past job. I've been introduced to the new COO and found that he was my father's next door neighbor. I've gone into a recruiter's office and found that he's a former co-worker. I've gone into the break room and found a former co-worker waiting there - he was the new vendor rep for one of our accounts.

And that's only the ways that I could have been found out if I had been trying to hide something in my past work life. There were at least three occasions when I've found out information about my employee's history when I wasn't even looking for it.

So WILL it happen? Can't say. CAN it happen? Definitely.
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OP, in the end, you gotta do what works for you.

The lesson here is to never take illegal drugs.

Something to think about, why is your wife holding?

That could potentially harm your entire family.

I wish you well.
Thanks for the responses. Before this situation developed, I had asked my wife to get the marijuana out of the house because there our times when I know I grow weak. In the middle of her strong habit at the time and the fact it did not effect her job, she pretty much told me to pound salt. Since this has occurred, I can happily say she has gotten rid of the weed and we are beating this issue together. On the positive front, In the last twenty four hours I am starting through the interviewing process for a new position. This position is in transportation & chemicals but is not safety sensitive, so I have decided on the strategy of not mentioning my previous position. Time will tell if this is smart or not. If it doesn't pan out, my plan is to attend a DOT approved return to work program to show that I am proactively dealing with this issue. I'm not sure if there is anything more I can do. Thank you for your well wishes army judge.
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