patents and liscensed products?

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I have designed a product that would/could be sold with collegiate and professional team logos on it. I believe the product is something I need to patent. Will that protect me from the potential users of the product copying it for their own production? Should I wait until the product is fully protected before going to these businesses to see if it is an item that they would sell or is the filing and application enough in the interim? How do I protect from international infringement, i.e. the U.K. and Asia? Thank you for your assistance.:confused: b
A design patent may be the protection you need for a type of design or manufacturing process. You may need copyright or trademark or both. What makes your product unique?

The protection of intellectual property in other countries has been open for considerable debate and is covered in several places. The concept is that if you register once there is a respect of the protection in other countries. However, there are many different discussions ongoing and you can register in one country for protection in several:

WIPO is a great site for information (the World Intellectual Property Organization) at

The World Trade Organization covers the various treaties and conventions (including the WIPO site) to attempt to explain what is trying to be accomplished by the member countries.

As with any serious kind of IP protection, you need to see a specialist for a full consultation on exactly what can be protected, what kind of protection it requires, and what can be done to accomplish your goals.

Originally posted by liser
I have designed a product that would/could be sold with collegiate and professional team logos on it. I believe the product is something I need to patent. Will that protect me from the potential users of the product copying it for their own production? Should I wait until the product is fully protected before going to these businesses to see if it is an item that they would sell or is the filing and application enough in the interim? How do I protect from international infringement, i.e. the U.K. and Asia? Thank you for your assistance.:confused: b
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