Paturnity Suite

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New Member
Since I will be relocating, I went through a Paturnity Suite w/my daughters father 10 years ago. I have phsyical custoday, and then joint; he pays child support, but it doesn't state that I/we cannot move out of California, and she is w/me 90% of the time, but he has more than the opportunity to see her, but never has. Now w/the economy I want to move out of CA to another state. Can I do this w/out filing a motion, and if he wants to fight me on it, he will have to file a motion first? I have always been control of her schools, daycare and day to day living since she was born.:o
You still need Dads permission, or you go to court. You have to prove the move is in the childs best interest and if you are able to move you might be paying 100% of all travel costs.
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