pay roommate's cancellation fee? What should i do?

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Roomate signed a 3 year contract with ADT, now has to cancel since all of us are moving out after only 2 years (of me and her living there. the other roomate only stayed 1 year). Now she is asking me to pay 1/3 of the bill to be split up between the three of us.

I recently moved out of a townhouse with three roommates. The townhouse originally did not have ADT security, however my roommate wanted it badly she even signed a 3 year contract. (which I never signed) I told her I disagreed with a three year contract, b/c I would be graduating from grad school in 2 years, thus moving out in 2 years. In good faith, I told her I'll pay the monthly payments since I would be living with the security, but i would not be responsible for cancellation fee.

Now that I am graduating this '08 and moving out, the other 2 roomates choose to move out as well, and the one who signed the 3 year contract is asking me to pay the cancellation fee, which I never agreed to in the first place.

1. Do I have to pay it? I never made an agreement I would pay it, and the ADT contract is under her name. I was only paying monthly b/c I would be using it. The other roomate is paying her the cancellation fee b/c she moved in last year, a year after the security had already been placed. Her reasoning for paying the cancellation fee is, "Since I chose to move into the apartment, I take all responsibility for what it came with." Basically making me sound like I should pay b/c i live there b/c it's my responsibility. But I told her, I was there when the alarm system was started, and I disagreed to have it and disagreed with a three year contract, which I never signed.

2. If I do not have to pay, is it ok for me to say," I will not pay the cancellation fee. I never agreed to a 3 year contract. I never signed a three year contract, Mandy (not her real name) singed a three year contract. It was her decision and thus her mistake to agree to that time frame. I will not pay for someone else's mistake."

3. I am afraid the girls will take this money out of the securty deposit we will recieve from the townhouse. The landlord says she can only mail 1 check out, so we had to chose 1 person to mail the check to. I think the girls will substract cacellation fee from my security deposit. Is this legal?
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