paycheck withheld for a piece of paper??

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At the time of my employment at a Dairy Queen, I was not trained. So, in regards to this, I asked if there were any sheets or anything that I could study so I could be trained. They had two laminated pieces of paper with a list of the blizzards and how much of what went into them.

I took them home, forgot about them eventually. I quit about 4 weeks later due to personal reasons, and waited for 2 more weeks to get my two final paychecks.

When I went in, they refused to give me my money until I gave back the sheets of paper. Personally, I thought it was unlawful, however I would like to have some advice on this issue. Thanks for your time in this matter.
Every state has a drop-dead date upon which your final paycheck MUST be released regardless of what company property you may still have in your possession. However, since you did not name your state, no one can tell you whether your employer is still within that time frame or not. Depending on what state you are in, they can be required to release your check on the same day as your last day of work, or they can has as long as 21 days to do so, or a number of possibilities in between. They have complete freedom to hold your check within whatever period of time that is; however, they legally must give it to you no later than the last day of the time frame in question.

If you would like to post your state, I can give you more information. However, it would be all to the good if you return the pages in question.
sorry, I thought that I had stated it. When I posted a new topic it asked for it. That is strange.

The state is Missouri.
Might be a glitch in the software. Not a problem.

Unfortunately, Missouri is one of the few states that does not have such a provision. (I'm sorry - my fault. I should have said most states, not all states.) If you had been fired, they would have had only till the next regular payday but since you quit, the state has no provision for when they are required to release it. Under common law it is generally accepted that it should be released by the next regular payday, but Missouri has no statute to back that up.

Two suggestions for you, and they are not mutually exclusive. You can try both.

1.) Call the MO state DOL and see if they have any suggestions, or if there are any local statutes to support you.

2.) Give them back their precious pieces of paper, and say to them (in effect - you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar) "Okay, there's your paper; where's my check?"
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