Payout from estate

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New Member
My brother lived in Texas and passed away last year. He had a TIAA/CREF account and this was paid out to the estate. An initial small payout was made and I got a K1 form for that although I did not receive this in time for my taxes last year. Federal taxes were withheld from the remaining and then monies distributed amongst brothers and sisters who live in different states. I happen to live in DC which has an income tax while all others live in Washington state which has none.
OK, I got a check from the estate - as related by my sister who can tell me nothing about what to do with it - but how do I report this on my taxes (both federal and local)? According to her I will not get a K1 on this money nor do I even know how much tax was paid on it and what sort of tax it was. I'm thinking that the tax was on the estate and that the money I receive, other than some interest earned, is not income and does not need to be reported. Anyway, I have no clue what to do. Can someone help me?
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