PC - Speed Contest?

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New Member
Hello everyone,
I need some advice on the subject matter of my traffic citation. I was driving around with a friend following me, or as we call it "cruising" at night this past Sunday. A group of "street racers", as we were described by the police happened to be on the same road as I and my friend was.
I pulled over to coverse with my friend, the only one who I knew from the array of cars, about what we were going to next. A few of the other cars happened to stop behind us to, I'm assuming to see if something was going to happen. Just about three minutes into this conversation, two police cars come flying down the street, lights on and everything. It was only instinct for me to get going as I didn't think I did anything wrong and didn't want to be held up in a horrible situation. The police officers told everyone to pull over to the shoulder. We all did as we were told and from there is where we were all cited. My hood was popped open and my car was searched, all to my approval. I was cited for Modified Emissions but a few lines down on the citation it also said PC - Speed Contest. It didn't list the actual code itself, just those words two lines down from the Emissions violations (which did have the code next to it). I was just wondering if that's a violation on my part? Because I, nor any of the other vehicles, were even moving at the time of the incident. Most of the vehicles were parked on the side of the road, with a few conversing in the middle of the street. Why they were doing that, I have no idea. But I was just wondering if the PC - Speed Contest is a violation under my part? I wasn't speeding, nor was I in a Speed Contest with any other car on the road. I wasn't even moving to be exact.
What state?

Based on your post, discussing with a lawyer experienced in serious traffic violations is highly advised. Street racing is as serious DUI in many areas now days.
The good old state of CA. :p I was just wondering if anyone knew if this is actually a real violation. He didn't list any specifics to the violation. He wrote down on the citation, the Veh. Code for the Modified Emmisions but on the last line he simply wrote down, plain and simple, "PC - Speed Contest". He didn't fill out this spped, max speed, speed limit, etc.
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