Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Pending charges


New Member
I have two pending charges that I'm going to turn myself in on, two third degree felonies in Florida, carries a total of eight points, however my past criminal history over 20 years ago bumps it to 117 points or 67 months, will I get that sentence period or is there a chance for probation??
Please any info would be great.

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I have two pending charges that I'm going to turn myself in on, two third degree felonies in Florida, carries a total of eight points, however my past criminal history over 20 years ago bumps it to 117 points or 67 months, will I get that sentence period or is there a chance for probation??
Please any info would be great.

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The older the charge, the harder for the prosecutor to obtain a conviction.

That means the prosecutor will make a deal, USUALLY.

Plead NOT guilty, ask for a public defender, then SILENCE, don't say anything about the charges.
The new false verification to a pawn broker x2 is about six months old, it's my prior history as a kid that's going to possibly stick me

Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using Tapatalk
The new false verification to a pawn broker x2 is about six months old, it's my prior history as a kid that's going to possibly stick me

Sent from my HTC Desire 626s using Tapatalk

If you were charged as a juvie in juvie court, it shouldn't be held against you.

A nothing charge like that will only get you arrested in FL.

That leaves 49 other states, maybe 45, if you want to play it safe stay two states away from FL.

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