I'm new to the site, and this is my first post. I have questions regarding what my options are IF I get slandered or libeled. My situation: My husband's ex wife is extremely hostile and unstable. I am a teacher, have been for the last 8 years. In the next coming month or so, it is very likely we will receive custody of his son. Since the custody issue is finally coming to a close, his ex-wife has become increasingly hostile. I would not put it past her to alledge in the future that I have molested her son or that I've abused him in some way. This allegation is insulting and defamatory enough on it's own, but my very livelihood (sp?) is based on working with children. To further complicate things, we have just moved to a new area, and I have started teaching at a new school - I will not be tenured for another 2 years. I'm afraid the mere suggestion of any abuse, regardless of the truth, could cost me my career. I may be paranoid here, but I really would not put it past this woman to allege something like this. Is there any way I can make my concerns (that she will be libelous/slanderous) known to the court without appearing 'paranoid'? Should I sit down with my new boss and discuss my fear with him? It's frustrating that you can't head something off at the pass for a concern like this - you have to wait til someone does it and then try to undo the damage. With an allegation like that, my thinking is, it doesn't have to be true, just the mere suggestion of it will be damaging enough for my profession. Any comments, suggestions, procedures I should know about, advice . . .is welcome.