Pennsylvania Law

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New Member
Does anyone know a good website where i can look up the policies for small claims??

I lost a case and now owe $385. It's been 30 days and i have paid $180. I sent i note along saying i would be paying in installments.

I was just wondering what rights the plaintiff now has to collect. i want to pay but i just don't have the money to give her. I have a mortgage, baby, etc..

Is there anything i can do in case she tries to get MORE money from me???

Please help!!
I assume the rights in PA would be similar to FL. Here judgment holder can garnish the loser's wages, place a lien on their home, get a writ of execution with the Sheriff to have personal property sold at auction, and even garnish the amount from your bank account.

The problem though, most all these procedures are time consuming and require additional costs. Most small claims never get paid due to these hurdles. You apparently are a good loser and are offering to make payment.

Continue to converse with the plaintiff regarding installments. If she is unwilling to work with you, that will be her misfortune. Just realize, though, she does have the law on her side now if she wishes to go to the extremes and use it.
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